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ホームドラッグ・麻薬Drugs and Phantasy

Drugs and Phantasy[P-3718]

販売価格: 9,000円
[書名]Drugs and Phantasy: The Effects of LSD, Psilocybin, and Sernyl on College Students
[著者名]John Cheetham Pollard, Leonard Uhr, Elizabeth Stern
[出版社]Little, Brown
[状態]C- カバースレ、ページシミ、本体小よれ
[備考/コメント]英文ハードカバー。「Jane under Psilocybin "...a butterfly has just fluttered by my brain."」「Frank under LSD-25 "... The whole sky seems to be on fire."」「"JUST SAY WHAT COMES INTO YOUR MAIND FOR FIFTEEN MINUTES"」などなど
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